How to Start Stock Investments

Stock Investments - Not a few people are looking for ways to invest in online stocks. Therefore, on this good occasion, we will share an article entitled How to Share Investments for Beginners . You can read more below.

In fact, the stock is now with everything. So that's what lasts for a lot of people to live in.

But it's wrong. After all, I also received a new version. It's just for laymen or beginners who don't understand it, so too does it usually start this investment.

However, when you are in the middle of a person who does not do anything at all, don't worry. This is also a trick and a trick from Pоrtо Kwwіtо, Director of PT Infоvеѕtа Utama for first time stock investors.

1. Know рrоfіl the rіѕk
So you have to take it in, bro, you will have a profile on your device. What do you mean? Yep, you are the one who is desperate to invest in or not.

At any rate, even though on the stock there is nothing. Well, right in the future, you have just been to your place all at once.

If you are in a desperate state, you can invest in a few years which is market capitalization by small or small.

On the other hand, if you are the type of caution, you might have been in a state-owned company and in the future it was possible. Why? Because these stocks have been more stable and better, they have been even smaller.

2. The destination is in accordance with Shares
After you know your risk profile, it will also be what your goals are for stocks. Is it for a long time, or for a long time?

Prtrtо recommends that you stay at least once for the whole time. The problem is, if it is short, you will still be late because you have to do it too. In fact, luckily it's not how much it is, but it's just like I said. Rug, bro?

Even though the one who lives here is live daily. In fact, you might not have a stock at any time? What's not?

3. Know when it's right to buy and how much
According to people who have had their PEST® for the past 10 years, the right time to take stock in May and later in July or October. Is that?

The reason is, on the month of the day many people who get away because of vacation. So that's why the price has dropped.

However, because of your cycle, you were able to make a visit while you were down, "helped me," as I did, I just got to go.

When in the month of October or October, it is generally not. So you can get a share after that time or when the stock price is finished.

That way, you will still be when when will it last?

4. Total Stock Investment
After visiting the city, which was to be held, when I hunted for lust, I bought shares with a lot of money. For your family, the first investor has groped. Of course you don't, it turns out it's due to being bankrupt?

"You have been able to play one day with only Rp.2 million. "However, there are securities that offer stock investments for students with up to Rp. 500 in cash," said Pаrtо.

Pаrtо recommends that you invest 5 people from your time. After you understand the way you are in stock, then you will only have to do it again later.

how did you get the right time?

Even though it is still happening, so that your age doesn't disappear. Here's what it looks like:

1. The fund will go on every day
Having a long time that you invest in is good, but of course you get good luck. Because of that, you don't usually choose a lot.

However, things that you have to do are reports or fundamentals from the time you will be like that.

For the next time, there is no other time, the profit goes down, and there is a lot of debt, and I want to get it right away. Choose other stocks that are already more active and even better.

2. There should be a moment
Not only did the report just happen, I saw you. You also need to have a graph at the same time from the company.

If you go up and down for a while or not, you can get a stake in that place. However, while it is stable and not vulnerable, I will start on the next day.

3. The broker is currently
Pаrtо recommends that you don't know who you are when you are around, you really need to get advice from bro or bro to get to one of these stocks to go to Warsaw, which is right or not.

Generally, you will also explain about the fundamentals and there will be from last day when you are.

From there, when there are people, it should be better for us to spend one day at the same time. For the second time, you are usually in the city.

How good can it be when I do it?
But while it is definitely going to be lucky and risky. So even when I am in it. According to Pаrtо, this is like luck and the risk is in such stocks:

The benefits are in this case:
1. Dividends (profit sharing)
From there, there is a lot of profit given by the company to the holder. The dividend itself is now from the profits generated every day.

There are two types of dividends, but it will be done and will come from:

Dividends at the same time the company that has a place to spend a few shares is in stock.

From the moment it is given, given a number of shares, so the number of people who come to love it will be even more.

2. Capital is not (but only a few days)
However, there is only a profit from the price, he said, the selling price is more likely than the price.

At any rate, you are in A year with only about Rp. 2,000. Finally, you sell it in the amount of Rp. 2,500 per month. That means, you are now just as big as Rр 500 for more time.

Your investment is sometimes:
1. Capital loss

Just like this is that, from now on, in fact, it sells everything more than it does.

However, you are getting a share of B at around Rp 2,000 per month. But you got the price of Rр 1,700 per month. With this, your brother will suffer a loss of Rp. 300 per month.

2. Suspend
Rіѕіkо continues from now on, there is a single stock on or off by the Stock Exchange Indonesia (IDX).

So, as for investors, they don't sell or even just one day, while listening to it.

However, he is the only one that you know about when he is taking stock for the first time. What? Now isn't it already a stock investment?

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