How to Make the Latest WhatsApp Group 2019 | Android, iOS, PC

How do you follow the WhatsApp (WA) group, bro? There are things that invite us to join groups, from the important ones to the important ones.

There are school groups, families, group work, complex fathers, Samsung fanboy associations, to a support group of one of the candidates.

Maybe you are wondering, how do you make a WA group? Who knows if you want to create a WA group, Jaka will tell you how to create the latest WhatsApp group on all platforms!

How to Make a WhatsApp Group

Actually making WA groups is really easy, gang! You can do it in the ways that I will give.

In addition, you can make it on various platforms, starting from Android phones, iPhones, to desktops. Ready to see the steps?

How to Make WA Groups on Android

The first one Jaka would like to tell you how to make a WA group on an Android phone. Oh yeah, for group names, a maximum of 25 characters is a gang! You can also add emoticons as a group name.

First, open the WhatsApp application on your cellphone. Tap the three-point menu located in the upper right corner. Select Create Group or ** Create Group **.

Add some people you want to add to the group. When you have finished selecting, press the green right arrow button located in the lower right corner. Name the group as you wish. If so, click the green check button.

Alternatively, you can press the Chat button in the bottom corner, then click Create Group / Create Group.

How to Make WA Groups on iOS

Next, Jaka would like to let you know how to make WA groups on your iPhone. Actually the method is the same as the gang, but Jaka still tells me in detail!

Create a new chat by pressing the button in the upper right corner, select New Group.

Select the participant of the group you want to add, then name the group.

How to Make a WA Group in the Browser

WhatsApp can also be opened via a browser on your gang's desktop. You only need to visit the site to open WA in the browser.

How do you make your WhatsApp open in the browser? The trick, click on the three point menu located in the upper right corner, select WhatsApp Web.

After that, click the + logo located at the top corner to add the device you want to add to open WA. Done!

Now it's time to create a WhatsApp group through a browser. The way is also like the gang!

You can create groups by clicking on the three point menu in the upper right corner or clicking the chat logo located next to it. Select New Group.

Select a friend or anyone you want to invite to the group, then choose a group name along with the group profile photo.

If you use the WhatsApp application on Windows or Mac, you can apply the same way to the gang!

The final word

That's the way to make a WhatsApp group on an Android, iPhone or laptop. This way, you can chat with your close friends or family more intensely.

Indeed, sometimes I like to be resentful when in the WA group, there are many people who spread things that are not clear, especially if there are those who spread hoaxes. Even though the name of the group can be useful, at least to maintain silahturami.

If you join or create a group, don't spread the hoax like that!

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