5 Reasons Why You Should Never Bring Your Phone to the Toilet

Mobile (cellphone) has become one of the things that can't get out of hand.

Because it can't be far from cellphones, many of us always carry it wherever we go, including in the toilet.

Usually if you want to defecate, a lot of people bring HP to just read the news, watch Youtube, or listen to the song so it's not just boring.

Well, if you often bring your cellphone to the toilet, you should immediately stop the habit.


This is the reason you can't bring your cellphone to the toilet

1. The cellphone can fall into the toilet hole
Many cases of HP are getting into the toilet. Although we may already feel very very careful, the occurrence of HP entering the toilet is very possible.

The reason is, our brain does not focus between wanting to focus on HP or focus on activities in the toilet. As a result, we become careless and have to be willing to use a HP HP in the toilet.

Even though it has never happened to you but still it can happen to you.

And, if it's already disgusted, do you use the cellphone again? Although it's not broken but it's still disgusting.

2. Lack of oxygen
Air circulation inside the toilet is not like in another room. That's why sitting for long in the toilet can make us lack of oxygen.

As a result, blood circulation in the body is not smooth. People with a history of heart disease are not advised to sit for long in the toilet.

Have you ever heard of a man from China who suffered paralysis due to lack of oxygen? Yes, after a long time sitting on the toilet he lost his balance and fell. So, in the toilet, just say yes!

3. Risk of being exposed to radiation
The cellphone emits harmful radiation that affects male fertility.

Men who like to put the cell phone in the talk mode position near the genitals (commonly occurs in men who like to use handsfree and let their cellphone in a pants pocket), electromanetic wave radiation has the potential to damage the quality of sperm. That is, male fertility will be disrupted.

So, don't let fertility be disrupted because of the use of an HP that is not approximate.

4. Many germs and bacteria
The toilet is a source of germs and bacteria. Germs in toilet water can also develop on your cellphone, which can accidentally get splashed with toilet water. Oh.

Germs in the toilet are known to spread norovirus, salmonella, E. coli, and other diarrheal diseases.

According to the results of a study conducted by the University of Arizona, 9 out of 10 cellphones potentially contain microbes that can cause disease, and 16% of handpgones that have been tested, positively contain feces.

5. At risk for hemorrhoids and intestinal disorders
The habit of playing cellphones while sitting on the toilet can trigger health problems such as hemorrhoids.

That is because hanging out or sitting too long in the toilet puts pressure on the veins around the anus and rectum, causing and worsening hemorrhoids.

The final word
Still want to continue the habit of taking HP to the toilet? You should change the habit by reading magazines or books.

If you still have to bring your cellphone to the toilet you should be sure to always keep the cellphone clean.

Also, make sure you always hold and touch the cellphone with one hand so that the bacteria don't move to the other hand. And, don't forget to always wash your hands too!

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